U.S. President Donald Trump will stay at a military hospital for the next few days after testing positive for COVID-19 as his administration and election campaign scrambled to adjust to an extraordinary twist in his turbulent presidency, the White House said in a statement released on Friday.
"Out of an abundance of caution, and at the recommendation of his physician and medical experts, the President will be working from the presidential offices at Walter Reed for the next few days," said White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said, noting Trump has mild symptoms and remains in good spirits.
Trump was seen walking slowly from the White House to a waiting helicopter to be taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, roughly 17 hours after he announced that he had tested positive for the coronavirus. He wore a mask and business suit, and did not speak to reporters.
"I think I'm doing very well, but we're going to make sure that things work out," Trump said in a brief video posted to Twitter.
He said on Twitter late on Friday, after being hospitalized with COVID-19, that he thought he was doing well. "Going well, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!!," the president tweeted after having been moved to the hospital for treatment.
White House doctor Sean P. Conley confirmed the news, saying Trump is "doing very well" and "is not requiring any supplemental oxygen."The 74-year-old president has a mild fever though, according to a source familiar with the matter. Conley said earlier in a new memo that he is "fatigued but in good spirits" as of Friday afternoon.Conley said that the president is taking Remdesivir therapy after consultation with specialists. "He has completed his first dose and is resting comfortably," he said.
随着美国大选临近,特朗普确诊新冠、入院接受治疗让美国的领导层陷入动荡。很多人关注,若特朗普情况恶化,美国政府将如何持续运转?这对拜登又意味着什么?Besides shocking the world, the situation has many questioning how Trump's campaign will play out a month before election day, questions of succession should he be unable to govern, and how this bodes for Biden.
How does Trump's hospitalization affect the presidential campaign? 若特朗普休息至少两周的话,他不得不取消竞选活动,且很可能缺席原定于10月15日和22日举办的两场电视辩论。关键取决于特朗普病情的严重程度。若他后续仍只出现轻微症状,可能不会对选情产生太大影响;若他健康状况恶化,美国将陷入更大的混乱。然而,特朗普入院并非一定是政治毒药。中国人民大学国际关系学院副教授刁大明在接受CGTN专访时表示,竞选停下来未必对特朗普不利,因为美国政治的核心议题已经从“下任总统是谁”转移到了“现任总统的安危”上。“特朗普会(因病)收获一些所谓的同情牌,稳固基本盘,对催生或动员中间选民有帮助。”刁大明称,但目前还不清楚同情票是否能让他翻盘,超过拜登。刁大明表示,此外,拜登可能会降调,“如果一方因不可抗力终止,另一方不可能大张旗鼓地负面宣传,选举会呈现一个冷淡的状态。”Trump has to delay the rallies that he's obsessed with, if he takes two weeks off at minimum. He most likely won't be able to attend the next two debates that had been scheduled for October 15 and 22.But the key lies in the severity of his illness. Latest news has it that the president will spend a "few days" at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.If he continues with only mild symptoms accompanied by low fever and fatigue, that may not affect his presidential prospects much. If things take a bad turn for Trump's health, Washington would descend into greater chaos as is the order of the day.Nonetheless, Trump's hospitalization may not necessarily be political poison. "That could be a boon for him because public attention has now diverted from who will be the next president to the safety of the incumbent president," Diao Daming, a long-time observer of U.S. politics and associate professor of international relations at Renmin University of China, told CGTN.He might get more sympathy votes from contracting the coronavirus, either consolidating his voter base or gaining more swing voters, according to Diao. But it remains unclear whether he can overcome the voter tilt toward his rival Joe Biden after the first debate.Plus, Biden will probably downplay his rhetoric against Trump. Both sides will likely cease campaign crossfire for now.
What if Trump's conditions worsen? 特朗普今年已74岁,属于新冠高危人群。超重、胆固醇高和轻微的心脏问题,这些因素都使他面临更大的风险。如果特朗普病情恶化无法履职,总统的继任就成为一个问题。美国宪法第二十五条修正案规定,若总统被免职或死亡,那么副总统将代替总统履职。根据美国1947年通过的《总统继承法案》,若副总统也无法履职,那么接替他们暂理总统职责的将是美国众议院议长(目前是南希·佩洛西),然后是参议院临时议长(目前是查尔斯·格拉斯利)。"I think I'm doing very well," the president said in a video posted to Twitter before he was flown to the military hospital, where he usually has his annual check-up. But he is 74 years old, overweight with high cholesterol and a mild heart problem, all of which put him at greater risk.If his conditions worsen, the presidential succession becomes a pertinent question. Though the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that the vice president should succeed the president should the latter be removed from office or die, what comes after is specified by the Presidential Succession Act, enacted in 1947. The law states that after the Vice President (Mike Pence), the Speaker of the House (currently Nancy Pelosi) would follow, then the president pro tempore of the Senate (Charles E. Grassley).If Trump becomes too sick to carry out his presidential duties, he could have Pence become Acting President. However, if both Trump and Pence are temporarily unable to serve yet are still in office, the law is unclear on what should happen next.
Will the election be postponed? 如果特朗普无法继续参选,那么共和党将不得不推出新的候选人来代替他竞选。然而,目前距离选举日只有一个月的时间,如果这种情况出现,将会十分仓促。即使特朗普想推迟选举,他也无法做到这一点。美国法律规定,总统大选固定在11月第一个星期一之后的星期二举行。美国加州州立大学政治学教授詹姆斯·雷在接受CGTN采访时说:“宪法对选举有规定。”时间所剩无几,试图通过国会推动立法几乎是不可能的。If Trump is unable to run as the nominee, then the Republican Party would have to find a new candidate to run in his place. Yet, with only a month left until election day, things will be rushed should this scenario pan out.Even if Trump wanted to delay the election, he would be unable to do so without trying to change a law from 1845 that states that it must be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. "The election itself is in the Constitution," said James Rae, professor of politics at California State University, during an interview with CGTN.Trying to push legislation through Congress with little time left is next to impossible. That's the playbook.
How does Trump's election prospects look so far? 根据最新民调,特朗普在2020年美国总统大选首次电视辩论后落后拜登六到七点。民主党总统候选人拜登在拉美裔选民中势头越来越大,尤其在传统红州亚利桑那州。在美国南部各州,例如得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州,选民对特朗普应对新冠疫情的举措表示不满。民调显示,摇摆州的选战势均力敌。刁大明和詹姆斯·雷都认为,即使是同情票也不足以扭转特朗普的局面。The occurrence of a force majeure will hardly turn the odds in Trump's favor, who fell behind Biden by six to seven points after the first debate, the latest polls show. The Democratic candidate for president is gaining momentum among Latino voters, especially in perennially red-state Arizona. Wisconsin, the reliable Democratic stronghold, which Trump captured four years ago with his slogan – "The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer" on the Rust Belt – leaned toward Biden this time. In southern U.S. states, like Texas and Florida, voters expressed discontent with Trump in handling the pandemic.Recent polls point to a close race in these battleground states. But even sympathy votes might not be enough to turn things around for Trump, both Diao and Rae held.